Policy & Stakeholder Engagement

Policy & Stakeholder Engagement – Sharing our Expertise

The UKCRC Registered CTU Network has a commitment to improving and sharing practice both across its members and in the research community more broadly.

We are proud to be able to share the expertise of our members through a variety of means. This includes responding to public consultations, meeting with key stakeholders such as the Department of Health and Social Care, regulators, funders, and other bodies, and producing publicly available guidance to improve the conduct of academic clinical trials research.

Through our members, the Network has representation on a large number of national groups including the the DHSC RRG Group, the NIHR RRG Group, the HRA Trial Start-up Board, the TMRP, the UKTMN and the review panels of a wide range of funding bodies, journals, and conferences,

Information on some of our policy and stakeholder engagement activities can be found via the links below.


Get in touch

If you have any questions about the site, please feel free to contact us. We are always looking for ways to better serve our members - YOU are important to us!

(0113) 3439132

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