PRincipleS for handling end-of-participation EVEnts in clinical trials REsearch (PeRSEVERE)
Background to the PeRSEVERE Project
The UKCRC Registered CTU Network’s PeRSEVERE project is about participants in clinical trials stopping, reducing or changing their level of involvement.
The project aimed to address the question: how should we design and carry out clinical trials and other research, given that we know some participants will stop participating early?
PeRSEVERE was a collaborative effort, involving representatives of many different clinical trials units and different areas of expertise from across the CTU Network, as well as a patient group.

The group developed high-level principles to guide management of early end of participation in clinical trials and other research studies.
Between May and August 2021, they ran a public consultation on the draft principles. The responses to the consultation were used to agree the final principles and associated explanatory guidance.
Resources and further information
The PeRSEVERE principles, explanatory guidance, and related resources are all available at